Rise above

Don’t give in to feelings of depression and despondency. Don’t languish in darkness and negativity. You can rise above all that on the wings of prayer. Turn your heart toward your destination-Heaven. Look forward in wonder at what is to come.
You’re not coming to the end of your usefulness; you’re just getting older. I know your body feels old, but your spirit doesn’t have to be old.-It can be fresh and alive through the power of My Spirit. I can make life easier for you if you’ll keep a positive attitude and draw your strength from Me.
When hardships come your way, look on the bright side of things. Thank Me and praise Me for all the things I’ve done for you thus far. I’ve kept you through a lifetime of difficulties, and I’m not about to abandon you now.

What am I like?-I am the spirit of love itself. If you were to take the most loving thing that has ever happened to you and multiply that by a thousand, that would only begin to come close to understanding what I am like.

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